Ted Dunphy
Oct 11, 20173 min read
Mental Health in Schools
Three pupils in every class in secondary schools in England suffer from diagnosable mental health problems. Last evening I attended the...

Ted Dunphy
Sep 21, 20172 min read
School Matters - ECT Specialist
Early Career Teachers (ECTs) have been settling into hundreds of schools around the country over the past two weeks. Some of them will...

Ted Dunphy
Sep 23, 20164 min read
No school experience required
Didimus Fartinwell raised his voice in the pub last night to condemn the head of Oxford University for rejecting the Prime Minister's...

Ted Dunphy
Sep 15, 20163 min read
Another week at the Academy
Our reporter Teagan Short has followed up his in-depth interview with Sebastian Fuchs the new kid in Year 7 at the new The Fred Best...

Ted Dunphy
Sep 5, 20164 min read
New school beginnings
Thousands of pupils around England went to new places in their education today. Reception classes blended those who have been socialised...

Ted Dunphy
Aug 18, 20164 min read
The A*ABC of success
Every secondary school in the country wakes up on the third Thursday of August each year with a mixture of anxiety, hope and feigned...

Ted Dunphy
May 17, 20163 min read
Cut the Crap about School Improvement
“Give me great teachers and I will give you a great school”. That was said by someone that no one has heard of, apart from me. The...